live well. give well.


sponsorship proposal

providing people with the tools to help themselves


Support various projects which jointly help people overcome obstacles of insufficient education, health and financial resources.


Local Hero Ayni has been executing and managing projects from scholarships to microfinance which have measurably improved the quality of life of the inhabitants of Altos de los Mores. Below you can find a brief overview of the main programs.  A detailed description can be found here.


  1. high school scholarship for all children from the village

  2. vocational school scholarships as funds permit 

  3. public university scholarships as fund permits

microloans for families

conditions and background

    1. 50% grant and 50% loan which after repayment goes on to another family

    2. only granted after a sustainable business plan has been approved

    3. only 1- 2% default rate

    4. typically invested in livestock or seeds

  1. cocinas mejoradas (stoves)

conditions and background

  1. family must register all children for school and at the medical center

  2. timely repayments of loans and engagement in village projects

  3. new stoves replace open fire places which cause: fires, burn wounds in children, respiratory problems and eye infections

neem trees

conditions and background

  1. seeds are provided by ayni and village women cultivate the trees

  2. neem tree has a medicinal purpose and has cured many illnesses in village

  3. ayni purchases seedlings from women and plants them in village for shade against the desert sun and for medicinal use

investment details

Ayni holds two annual fundraisers to finance the projects mentioned above, and others.  However, as more children attend school the funds are becoming scarce.  Donations are being sought.


Ayni’s projects help people to help themselves. More importantly, responsibility for the management is being passed on to local leaders form the village Alto de los Mores which makes the projects truly sustainable.  The only issue it gathering funds because without financial support the village will find it hard to continue with the projects.

grassroots community development

alto de los mores

scholarship student poses in front of her family’s hut after completing nursery school
donate now

all philanthropic activities of are tax deductible. 100% of your donation is passed on less credit card transaction fees, levied by the banks.